
Wild Mountain Music at Nicewonder Winery April 19, 2025

We invite everyone to our first ever performance at Nicewonder Winery outside Bristol, VA.  We will be performing from 5pm-8pm EDT on Saturday April 19th 2025.  You can visit Nicewonder Farms and Vineyards for additional information.  For those of you in the West Jefferson area it is less than 2 hours drive if you travel on Hwy 16 N to Marion, then proceed south on Hwy 81 to Bristol and on to the location.  Sue Revels and Lee Bartley hope to see you all there!

Wild Mountain Magic at The Old Barn Winery in West Jefferson.NC

Please be aware of a change in this post.  The OldBarnWinery informed us on Dec 15th that all December shows would be from 1-4pm and not 2-5pm.  To anyone who arrived on the 15th and did not find us performing, we apologize.  It was not our fault at all as the OBW had double booked the upstairs room by mistake.  We look forward to a great afternoon of music on December 29th.

Sue Revels (vocalist) and Lee Bartley (accompanist) invite everyone to our performances in December at the Old Barn Winery.  On December 15 and 29th (both Sundays) we will perform inside from 2pm till 5pm.  We will perform several Christmas selections along with a mix from our normal repertoire.  There is no admission charge and in addition to their wine selections they offer sodas, fruit drinks, and munchies for purchase.  Come join us for some holiday cheer and music by Wild Mountain Magic.

A Garden Party With a Twist August 11, 2024 with Wild Mountain Magic (Sue Revels & Lee Bartley)


The spectacular “Garden Party With A Twist” returns to Dream Rock Silo & Suites in Independence on Sunday, August 11th (2pm – 4pm).  You are invited to an informal, country-chic garden party featuring the amazing musical performances of Wild Mountain Magic and delicious appetizers and sweet treats.  Wild Mountain Magic features the incomparable vocal stylings of Sue Revels and the musical genius of Lee Bartley; their repertoire is vast and beguiling!  Guests will be able to tour the Dream Rock gardens throughout the afternoon and have the opportunity to take their chances on several fun raffles!  The afternoon is hosted by Arts Council Board Members with the gracious support of Karen and Bill Simpson.  Karen and Bill are the owners Dream Rock Silo & Suites, an idyllic get-away located in the heart of Grayson County.  Tickets for the Arts Council’s “Garden Party with a Twist” are $25/person – gentlemen and ladies are both welcome!  To RSVP, please call The Arts Council at 276-238-1217.   Cash, Checks and Credit Cards will be accepted at the door.

Wild Mountain Magic (Sue Revels & Lee Bartley) at the Old Barn Winery August 15th, 2024

Please join us for yet another performance by Wild Mountain Magic at the Old Barn Winery on Thursday August 15th, 2024 from 1-4pm.

Join Wild Mountain Magic, Sue Revels and Lee Bartley, at the Carroll County Annual Music Festival July 27th, 2024.

Wild Mountain Magic at Old Barn Winery Thursday April 18th 1-4pm

Come join Sue Revels (vocals) and Lee Bartley (piano) as they return to the Old Barn Winery from 1-4 pm Thursday July 11, 2024, and 1-4 pm Thursday August 15, 2024.

Wild Mountain Magic at Old Barn Winery Friday Mar. 22, 2024

Come join Sue Revels (vocals) and Lee Bartley (piano) as they return to the Old Barn Winery from 12 noon to 3pm on Friday March 22, 2024.

Wild Mountain Magic, RiverHouse Sunday Salon, April 14, 2024

Join Wild Mountain Magic (Sue Revels & Lee Bartley) for a concert and dinner at RiverHouse Inn & Restaurant.  The concert begins at 4pm and lasts till 6pm, with hors d’oeuvre’s around 5pm.  Dinner is a “Chef’s choice” 5-course dinner.  The cost for everything (excluding wine and alcohol) is $50 per person.  Information is available at: and reservations are required.  The new duo offers music ranging from the 30’s and 40’s genre, soft rock and pop, light jazz, and a little Broadway, from artists such as Fleetwood Mac, Bob Dylan, Carley Simon, Irving Berlin, Stephen Sondheim, Diana Krall, John Legend, and Nora Jones.  Please come and enjoy a pleasant evening of music and dining by the New River.


Wild Mountain Magic, RiverHouse Sunday Salon, May 12th, 2024: CANCELLED

Wild Mountain Magic’s Sunday Salon for May 12, 2024 (Mother’s Day) has been cancelled.     

Wild Mountain Magic booked this performance early in March.  We found out near the end of March that RiverHouse had double-booked this date.  We met with RiverHouse in order to try and remedy the situation and recover this date, but we failed.  We sincerely apologize to any fans for any inconvenience this may have caused.  We especially apologize to anyone who may show up for a Sunday Salon thinking we are performing only to find we are not there.


Wild Mountain Magic, RiverHouse Sunday Salon June 23, 2024: CANCELLED

Wild Mountain Magic’s Sunday Salon for June 23, 2024 has been cancelled.     

Wild Mountain Magic booked this performance early in March.  We found out near the end of March that RiverHouse had double-booked this date.  We met with RiverHouse in order to try and remedy the situation and recover this date, but we failed.  We sincerely apologize to any fans for any inconvenience this may have caused.  We especially apologize to anyone who may show up for a Sunday Salon thinking we are performing only to find we are not there.